In my global education class I learned a lot of things. Some of the things that I learned were How to do margin notes. Margin notes are little side notes that you write on the margins to help you understand the article better. In class we had to margin note these articles that were at a higher reading level. When I did something like this in my other years of school I didn’t margin note and when it came to the time where I had to write a paper on it I did not do so hot. Now when I had to do this I used margin notes and got an A on my paper.
Another thing that I learned to do to help you comprehend a story or a article better to use Q.C.V.Is which stands for questions, comments, vocabulary and interesting facts. Questions should not be just “What are the main character’s name.” they should be things that are not something that you can find by just skimming the story. Make them good discussion questions. Comments can just be you relating the story to yourself. Interesting facts would just be facts in the story that might be important or that you think is a cool fact. Even though these can be a little annoying the will help you comprehend the story better.
Writing a memoir can be a little tough but it can be pretty easy once you get the hang of it. When you a writing a memoir you should zoom in on a particular moment that has lots of detail. You should use lots of descriptive words. Pretend that you were writing a memoir on your trip to the water park. It was your first time going there and you go down the biggest slide. To describe this you should not just say that “It was a very twisty and turning slide that was very fun.” Say something about how the workers always tell you to keep your arms and legs crossed and how you felt going down the slide.
I had a hard time trying to write a myth in class but I got how to do it after a while, with a few tips on the way. If you can’t think of anything to write you myth on then you should go and look at other myths that have been. Think about the Greek Gods and all of the stuff that happened with them. When you are trying to figure out some god like names to put in your myth, you should take a name of a god or something else and spell it backwards.
One of the major topics that I learned in school was on the Rwandan Genocide. This was a horrible time for the Rwandan citizens. You can’t blame this all on one group of people like the MRND or Paul Kagame or Belgium and the United Nations to name a few. All of the groups had some role in the mass genocide of 800,000 Rwandan citizens. For example, the MRND also known as the Hutu extremists made a radio station that brainwashed the other Hutus to kill the Tutsi living around them. The United Nations did not do their job very well. They ignored the signs that came from Rwanda saying that genocide was going to happen.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wanted: the Most Power and land
While comparing and contrasting the history of Australia, the United States, Rwanda, and South Africa, I noticed that each colony wanted to have the most power and own the most land.
A main thing that I think that these four countries have in conmen was gaining power by controlling the natives to that region. Colonizing the natives and making them work for little money let them get lots of gold and other natural resources without spending much money. With South Africa British defeated the Zulus which won them land and power. In America and South Africa they used the natives and slaves for cheap labor and in Australia they used prisoners. After each country taking over the natives and their land they all got to have the most power and the most land
A main thing that I think that these four countries have in conmen was gaining power by controlling the natives to that region. Colonizing the natives and making them work for little money let them get lots of gold and other natural resources without spending much money. With South Africa British defeated the Zulus which won them land and power. In America and South Africa they used the natives and slaves for cheap labor and in Australia they used prisoners. After each country taking over the natives and their land they all got to have the most power and the most land
Friday, December 11, 2009
soccer referee

I am a soccer referee, you know the people in the bright yellow jerseys and who way the flags up and down. It is a good job because it pays pretty well for just running up and down a line and waving a flag. I referee 12 and 13 year old because you can only referee kids that are 2 years younger than you. For refereeing that age I get paid 15 dollars for being a sideline referee and 20 for being a center referee. That may not seem like much but, when you do 2 or three games a day that only last a hour. It adds up. I usually do my job on Saturdays during the summer around 10:00 am. I am a referee for LCSC which stands for Livonia City Soccer Club. The bad thing about being a soccer referee is that every 2 years you have to take a class and a test to make sure that you still remember all of the rules. That may not seem that bad but, the thing that you don’t know is that the class is six hours long. You may ask “What do you during those six hours?” Well some teacher comes in and for the first four hours the teacher goes over all of the rules and over certain compacted situation s that you may occur. It is so boring. Then you have a half hour for lunch, which goes by very fast because it is the only fun it of the six hours. When you get back from lunch you take the test. This test is about four pages long. If you pass the test then you get a patch and if you fail the test then you have to retake the test and to take the class you have to pay 50 dollars. So that 100 dollars if you fail to take it again. I just had my class last weekend and my teacher was no the sharpest tool in the shed. You would think that it would make sense to review the rules of soccer before the test but no; apparently that way did not make sense to the teacher. He made us take the test first thing when we got there and review after the test. Now does that make sense to you? He would not even let us have a lunch break. So in conclusion, being a soccer referee is a great job, besides the six hour class. You can even make up to 200 dollars in one game if you stick with it.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Rwandan Genocide
I believe that everyone is responsible for the genocide. To give you some examples of this is Belgium supported the Tutsi supremacy and creating an ethnic divide between the Hutu and the Tutsi. The Interahamwe did the killing of the Rwandans by cutting their heads off with Meshed’s. The United Nations ignored multiple warnings of the genocide. If they did not ignore those warnings then they could have helped with the stopping of the genocide instead of doing nothing. Juvenal Habyarimana brain washed they people by having them listen to his radio station. The united States were to scared to get embarrassed because of what happened in Somalia with the soldiers getting dragged around to send troops in to Rwanda.
As the United Nations I thought that it was the fault of Belgium. I thought that because if they did not create the ethnic divide between the Hutu and the Tutsi then this would have never happened.
In class when we had a debate and we had groups who were each of the major players in the Rwandan Genocide. We got in a circle and we starting accusing almost every person for the fault of the genocide. The only group that could not get accused was the Red Cross. They could not get accused because the only thing that they did was help save people, but as you can see they did not do a great job because thousands of people were killed. It was hard to defend the United Nations because they did not do much. When people asked us questions or comments we did not know how to answer them because we did not do anything.
As the United Nations I thought that it was the fault of Belgium. I thought that because if they did not create the ethnic divide between the Hutu and the Tutsi then this would have never happened.
In class when we had a debate and we had groups who were each of the major players in the Rwandan Genocide. We got in a circle and we starting accusing almost every person for the fault of the genocide. The only group that could not get accused was the Red Cross. They could not get accused because the only thing that they did was help save people, but as you can see they did not do a great job because thousands of people were killed. It was hard to defend the United Nations because they did not do much. When people asked us questions or comments we did not know how to answer them because we did not do anything.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The American Scholar
Emerson's argument in "The American Scholar" about American society still holds true today. One reason that Emerson's argument still holds true today is that people do what they are good at. In the article The American Scholar Emerson says " Man is not a farmer, or a professor, or an engineer, but he is all. Man is a priest, and scholar, and statesman, and producer, and soldier. In the divide or social state these functions are parceled(Something wrapped up) out to individuals, each whom aims to do his stint of the joint work, whilst each each other preforms his." This quote is saying man is everything and is divided into individuals who do their job in the society.
Man is divied into individuals. When you take all the individuals and put it into one you get society. In the article The American Scholar Emerson says "Man thinking is one of those fables which out of an unknown antiquity convey an unlooked- for wisdom, that the gods, in the beginning, divided man into men, that he might be more helpful to himself; just as the hand was divided into fingers, the better to answer its end."
Man is divied into individuals. When you take all the individuals and put it into one you get society. In the article The American Scholar Emerson says "Man thinking is one of those fables which out of an unknown antiquity convey an unlooked- for wisdom, that the gods, in the beginning, divided man into men, that he might be more helpful to himself; just as the hand was divided into fingers, the better to answer its end."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Pumpkin carving

When you go to the store and you find the perfect pumpkin you just have to buy it. Well that is what I did. The next night I started to carve. I first cut the top of the pumpkin off to get the gunk out of the pumpkin and to get the seeds out. After I cut the top off my sister and I started to scoop out the gunk. That the stuff that is orange and looks like a spider web when you out the top of the pumpkin off. I reached in and grabbed a handful. It was so slimy. You know the feeling when you go to a lake and you go in the part where it goes up to about you knees and you start to feel the mushy feeling of the seaweed under your feet and you just want to not touch it by trying to swim over it in a foot deep of water. That’s how this feels.
When we finished picking out the slime, we had to pick out all of the seeds in the slime because we forgot to do that first. I started to pick them out one by one and put them on a sheet of tin foil. Once we were finished with that it was time for the fun part, carving a face into the pumpkin. I could not think of any faces to carve so I went ton the internet to see what other people did. So I typed in pumpkin carving faces and I got tons of hits. I found lots of the simple faces; you know the ones with two triangle eyes a mouth and a triangle nose. Those were too easy. Then I found the very complicated like the one in my picture. That was too hard. I decided to go with an in-between one. It had triangle eyes but it had another triangle in the other triangle with the center cut out. The mouth was the hard part. It was on an angle and had teeth. The teeth got bigger as the pumpkin’s mouth got bigger. .
When we finished picking out the slime, we had to pick out all of the seeds in the slime because we forgot to do that first. I started to pick them out one by one and put them on a sheet of tin foil. Once we were finished with that it was time for the fun part, carving a face into the pumpkin. I could not think of any faces to carve so I went ton the internet to see what other people did. So I typed in pumpkin carving faces and I got tons of hits. I found lots of the simple faces; you know the ones with two triangle eyes a mouth and a triangle nose. Those were too easy. Then I found the very complicated like the one in my picture. That was too hard. I decided to go with an in-between one. It had triangle eyes but it had another triangle in the other triangle with the center cut out. The mouth was the hard part. It was on an angle and had teeth. The teeth got bigger as the pumpkin’s mouth got bigger. .
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Have you ever been lost on a Cont-inent that you do not live on. If so then I would hate to be you. But if you have not that good because it is not fun. In school I am reading a book called Walk About by James Vince Marshall. It is a okay book but it is also kind of boring.
It is about two kids Mary and Peter. Mary is 13 and peter is 8. They were in a plane and It crashed in Australia. They were the only survivors. Now they have to survive until help arrives. That may be a long time because the plane flue off coarse and people don't know where it crashed.
Mary and peter survive by wondering into the outback. All they had to eat was two pieces of candy. They are dieing of lack of water when a strange boy comes out of no where.He is one of the aborigine people who live there. He is the only person who can help them. They better trust him or the may not make it.
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