Have you ever been lost on a Cont-inent that you do not live on. If so then I would hate to be you. But if you have not that good because it is not fun. In school I am reading a book called Walk About by James Vince Marshall. It is a okay book but it is also kind of boring.
It is about two kids Mary and Peter. Mary is 13 and peter is 8. They were in a plane and It crashed in Australia. They were the only survivors. Now they have to survive until help arrives. That may be a long time because the plane flue off coarse and people don't know where it crashed.
Mary and peter survive by wondering into the outback. All they had to eat was two pieces of candy. They are dieing of lack of water when a strange boy comes out of no where.He is one of the aborigine people who live there. He is the only person who can help them. They better trust him or the may not make it.
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