Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin carving

When you go to the store and you find the perfect pumpkin you just have to buy it. Well that is what I did. The next night I started to carve. I first cut the top of the pumpkin off to get the gunk out of the pumpkin and to get the seeds out. After I cut the top off my sister and I started to scoop out the gunk. That the stuff that is orange and looks like a spider web when you out the top of the pumpkin off. I reached in and grabbed a handful. It was so slimy. You know the feeling when you go to a lake and you go in the part where it goes up to about you knees and you start to feel the mushy feeling of the seaweed under your feet and you just want to not touch it by trying to swim over it in a foot deep of water. That’s how this feels.
When we finished picking out the slime, we had to pick out all of the seeds in the slime because we forgot to do that first. I started to pick them out one by one and put them on a sheet of tin foil. Once we were finished with that it was time for the fun part, carving a face into the pumpkin. I could not think of any faces to carve so I went ton the internet to see what other people did. So I typed in pumpkin carving faces and I got tons of hits. I found lots of the simple faces; you know the ones with two triangle eyes a mouth and a triangle nose. Those were too easy. Then I found the very complicated like the one in my picture. That was too hard. I decided to go with an in-between one. It had triangle eyes but it had another triangle in the other triangle with the center cut out. The mouth was the hard part. It was on an angle and had teeth. The teeth got bigger as the pumpkin’s mouth got bigger. .

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Have you ever been lost on a Cont-inent that you do not live on. If so then I would hate to be you. But if you have not that good because it is not fun. In school I am reading a book called Walk About by James Vince Marshall. It is a okay book but it is also kind of boring.
It is about two kids Mary and Peter. Mary is 13 and peter is 8. They were in a plane and It crashed in Australia. They were the only survivors. Now they have to survive until help arrives. That may be a long time because the plane flue off coarse and people don't know where it crashed.
Mary and peter survive by wondering into the outback. All they had to eat was two pieces of candy. They are dieing of lack of water when a strange boy comes out of no where.He is one of the aborigine people who live there. He is the only person who can help them. They better trust him or the may not make it.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Water on the Moon

When People first landed on the moon, scientists have been thinking that there was no water on the moon, they thought that it was bone dry. According to, new observations from three different spacecraft have put this notion to rest with what has been called "unambiguous evidence" of water across the surface of the moon.

To find more traces of water on the moon, NASA is planing to lunch a rocket into one of the moon's craters. The impact of the rocket will be huge. It will shoot up hundreds of thousand of pounds of rock. The rocks that are being shot up will be tested for water traces by near by satellites according to

"If the water molecules are as mobile as we think they are — even a fraction of them — they provide a mechanism for getting water to those permanently shadowed craters," said planetary geologist Carl Pieters of Brown University in Rhode Island, who led one of the three studies in Science on the lunar find, in a statement. "This opens a whole new avenue, but we have to understand the physics of it to utilize it."

My opinion on the theory of water on the moon is that if there is water on the moon which there is then that would be very cool. This might mean that there may be life on the moon. Now that would be awesome. What would be even cooler would be if this gets us one step closer to being able to live on the moon. Just imagine that you are walking down the street one day and you look up and you see building on the moon.

Friday, October 2, 2009

High School Soccer Tryouts

It was August and it was time for my favorite sport, soccer. I am at Stevenson High School and you had to tryout to get on the team. But before tryouts there was conditioning. This is when you do a lot of running to get in shape. But this was the total opposite. We did no running, instead we just did a lot of scrimmaging and drills.

I had to get up at 8:30 in the morning to get there on time, 10:00. I didn't have a ride so I had to ride my bike to school. And this was bad because I lived 2 miles from my school. The first day that I road my bike there was the worst. This was because, when I was riding my peddle some how fell off. You would think that I could just screw the peddle back in but, the wires were striped so I could not do that. I ended up walking my bike a mile to get to home so I could garb another bike and be on my way. When I finally got to school after 20 minutes of bike riding, I made it to school.

When I in the stadium I had to put on my shin guards, socks, and cleats. The coach call us out on to the field and we started to stretch. Once we were done we scrimmaged the rest of the time which was 2 hours. The other days of that week were the same, but the second week was a whole different thing.

The coach was gone the second week so the Seniors were running the conditioning. this was a very bad thing for me. They made us do a lot of running. The first day of the second week was not to bad compared to the other days because we only had to run the mile. The bad part about that was that if you did not get under a certain time then you had to do it all over again. Luckily I got in done in one try. For the next two days we had to run up and down the bleachers. This may not seem that hard but you have to take in consideration that the stares are a foot and a half tall. We had to do this nine times. It was touchier. The other day we just ran on the track.
In all, this was not worth the hassle because I ended up not making the team. Hopefully next year I will make the team because most kids don't make the team as a freshman ans I will be a sophomore.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My first Day of School

Beep beep beep beep. My alarm was going off and I could not find the off button. I was hitting it an hitting it till I found the off button. It was the first day of school. After 10 minutes of laying in bed i finally got up. I had to get up at 6:30 to get ready for school. That is very early for me because I usually get up at 11:00. I had to find some nice cloths to were to school. I pick some cloths off the floor because I have not put away my laundry yet. If it is not wrinkled and doesn't smell bad then i will wear it.Once I got downstairs I got my usual breakfast, strawberry pop tarts. After I got breakfast it was time to go. My Mom drove my sister and I to school. We got there with about ten minuets till school started. This was a lot of time for the sophomores, Juniors, ans Seniors graders but, you had to consider that I was a freshmen and didn't know my way around the school. I was running around the school trying to find my classes. I felt like I was in a corn maze because there is so many different way to get to each class.My first hour was Spanish with Mrs.Dyer. I took world language in middle school were they get you familiar with some languages. When it came to Spanish I was terrible. We will have to see how I do in Spanish in high school. When I finally found the classroom I saw that my friends also took Spanish ans got in my class. I was thinking " Hopefully this will be a good year in Spanish."The next five hours seemed to go by very fast because I had some friends in each class and the teachers did not give us any homework.

My favorite Teacher

It was the first day of school and I was trying to find my second hour. My second hour was Science and I had Mr. Sherburne as my teacher. I didn’t know if he was mean or nice. My older sister told me that he was a great teacher but I couldn’t tell if she was lying to me because she doesn’t always tell me the truth. I figured that he was going to be one of the teachers who make his/her students write a 3 page paper on the first day of school.
As I was walking quickly down all the hallways trying to find my class and not be late at the same time, I felt like I was running through a corn maze. There were so many different pathways to get to each classroom. After a while I felt like I might be lost so I ended up stopping one of the teachers that was monitoring the hallways. I asked “how do I find Mr. Sherburne’s class?” The teacher said “Oh that is easy, just go down this hallway and it will be the first door on your right.” I walked down the hallway and sure enough, it was the first door on the right. I made it on time.
I was so nervous to go into second hour because my sister would not tell me if the teacher was mean or not. As I was reaching for the door knob my hand was shaking, the door knob felt like it was freezing cold. I imagined that I was in Antarctica with just a shirt and shorts on. I was so cold that my hands started to freeze up and my nose got a little red. I walked through the door and saw that Mr. Sherburne had a seating chart to tell us were to sit. After I took my seat, the bell rang meaning that class has started. The teacher came in a few minutes after the bell rang. He walked over to his desk and started playing his music very loudly from his computer. As he was playing his music the teacher from next door came over “Mr. Sherburn why are you playing your music so loud?” Mr. Sherburn said, “Is the music too loud?” “Yes” said the teacher. “Can you turn it down?” “Okay, said Mr. Sherburn.” During class, he instructed us to talk to the people around us and ask them questions about what they like to do. That was so boring, I almost fell a sleep. Suddenly I heard this noise in me ear. It was the bell. It felt like a opera singer was singing as loud as she could right in my ear. And that was the end of second hour.
After spending as full hour with Mr. Sherburn, I realized that he was not a mean teacher or one who makes you write a 3 page paper on the first day of school. He ended up being one of my favorite teachers. He is so cool, I am so glad that he would not give us homework until the second week of school.

My Alphabet Introduction

I am using all the letters in the alphabet to introduce myself.

Athletic, I have played many sports in my life, but soccer was the best
Baseball, I played baseball for 3 years I didn't like it because I was not very good at it
Cookies, is my favorite desert
Drawing, I am good at drawing cartoons and some real life things
Excellent at math, I always get good grades in math
Friendly, I like making new friends
Giving, I like to share
Hardworking, I always try my best
Interesting, I like to do many different things
Joyful, I am happy most of the time
Kind, I am kind to all the people I meet
Language, I take Spanish as another language
Micheal is my middle name
Nephew, I am a nephew to 5 uncles and 5 aunts
Punctual , I am always on time
Quit, I don't talk much
R, I am a soccer referee
Soccer is my favorite sport
Truthful, I always tell the truth
U- in two years I will be a upper class man in high school
Vigorous, I do a vigorous sport or something every week
Wednesday is my favorite day of the week
Xray, I get xrays from the Doctor
Youthful, I enjoy being a teenager
Zoo, I like to go the zoo