Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin carving

When you go to the store and you find the perfect pumpkin you just have to buy it. Well that is what I did. The next night I started to carve. I first cut the top of the pumpkin off to get the gunk out of the pumpkin and to get the seeds out. After I cut the top off my sister and I started to scoop out the gunk. That the stuff that is orange and looks like a spider web when you out the top of the pumpkin off. I reached in and grabbed a handful. It was so slimy. You know the feeling when you go to a lake and you go in the part where it goes up to about you knees and you start to feel the mushy feeling of the seaweed under your feet and you just want to not touch it by trying to swim over it in a foot deep of water. That’s how this feels.
When we finished picking out the slime, we had to pick out all of the seeds in the slime because we forgot to do that first. I started to pick them out one by one and put them on a sheet of tin foil. Once we were finished with that it was time for the fun part, carving a face into the pumpkin. I could not think of any faces to carve so I went ton the internet to see what other people did. So I typed in pumpkin carving faces and I got tons of hits. I found lots of the simple faces; you know the ones with two triangle eyes a mouth and a triangle nose. Those were too easy. Then I found the very complicated like the one in my picture. That was too hard. I decided to go with an in-between one. It had triangle eyes but it had another triangle in the other triangle with the center cut out. The mouth was the hard part. It was on an angle and had teeth. The teeth got bigger as the pumpkin’s mouth got bigger. .

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